Protect Your Children from the Dangers of Social Media: A Guide for Parents

In today's digital world, it's inevitable that children and teens are active on social media. Platforms like Snapchat, TikTok, and Telegram are hugely popular among young people, but they also come with significant risks. The recent NOS Stories video, "Sorry King," sheds light on a disturbing trend where youths are humiliated and filmed, with these videos then going viral. It is crucial for parents to know how to protect their children from these dangers and how to start the conversation about them.

Do smartphones ruin the bond with your child?

The still face experiment by Edward Tronick from the 1970s, in which a mother had to look emotionless at her crying baby for minutes, is now well known to many people. The research showed that not only presence and feeding are important for a close bond between parent and child, but also responding to the child's signals. In a recent study, baby expert Marion van den Heuvel studied how smartphones affect the bond between parent and child. In this blog article you can read more about her research.

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