The mystery of the gold pins: Why do cables and connectors have so many contacts?
Have you ever noticed that cables and connectors, such as USB sticks, HDMI cables, and graphics cards, have a large number of gold contacts? But why are so many needed? In this blog, we delve deeper into the reasons behind all these contacts and explain why they are crucial for electronic devices. Read on to discover more about the functions and significance of these mysterious gold pins.
The Importance of Reliable ICT Services during a Camping Holiday in Zeeland
During a camping holiday in Zeeland, a reliable internet connection and good ICT support are essential. In this blog post, we will explain why a stable internet connection and professional ICT services are crucial for a carefree camping experience. We will discuss the benefits of EasyComp Zeeland as a reliable partner for all your ICT and IT needs during your stay at the campsite. Discover how we can help you solve technical issues, optimize your internet connection, and allow you to fully enjoy your vacation in Zeeland.
How CompAnnie uses AI technology to transform your business
CompAnnie is an AI solution developed by EasyComp Zeeland, which allows companies to increase their efficiency and improve their productivity. In this article, we will explain how CompAnnie works and how it can help companies optimize their processes and improve their business results.
The Flipper zero; It looks like a children's toy, but it's actually one of the most versatile hack tools ever!
The Flipper zero is a hacking tool that has recently gained a lot of attention on social media, where people show how they use it to change gas station signs, play store announcement systems, and open Tesla charging ports. Although it is legal, shipments of the Flipper zero have been seized in several countries due to concerns about its potentially harmful applications. This blog post explores the capabilities of the Flipper zero and discusses whether it really poses a risk to society or whether the fear is exaggerated.
Today is World Backup Day: Why it's important and how EasyComp Zeeland can help with creating good backups
World Backup Day, celebrated annually on March 31st, reminds us how important it is to keep our data secure.
Do smartphones ruin the bond with your child?
The still face experiment by Edward Tronick from the 1970s, in which a mother had to look emotionless at her crying baby for minutes, is now well known to many people. The research showed that not only presence and feeding are important for a close bond between parent and child, but also responding to the child's signals. In a recent study, baby expert Marion van den Heuvel studied how smartphones affect the bond between parent and child. In this blog article you can read more about her research.
Everything you need to know about the new GPT-4 How Google AI and Microsoft 365 AI shape the future
Last week was a historic week in the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This is due to the announcement of the official launch of GPT-4 by Open AI. Although we already had access to this AI through Bing, the official launch of GPT-4 is something to celebrate. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the capabilities of GPT-4 and what makes this new AI so special.
EasyComp Zeeland biedt oplossingen voor mensen die moeite hebben met de digitale kloof in Nederland
De digitale kloof in Nederland Uit een recent rapport van het Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau blijkt dat er in Nederland een groot verschil is in sociale klasse en dat de digitale kloof een belangrijk onderdeel hiervan is. Vooral ouderen, laaggeletterden, anderstaligen, minima en mensen met een lage opleiding hebben hier last van. Het invullen van een […]
EasyComp Zeeland: Uw Betrouwbare Partner Voor Computerreparaties En Meer
Als u een computer heeft, heeft u ongetwijfeld op een gegeven moment problemen ondervonden. Misschien loopt uw computer vast of werkt hij traag. In sommige gevallen start hij zelfs helemaal niet meer op. In dergelijke gevallen heeft u behoefte aan professionele hulp om uw computer weer als nieuw te laten werken. EasyComp Zeeland is hier om u te helpen.
iPhone 15: wat weten we al over de nieuwe smartphone van Apple?
Apple staat bekend om zijn innovatieve en populaire iPhones, die elk jaar weer miljoenen mensen over de hele wereld aanspreken. In 2023 verwachten we de lancering van de iPhone 15, de opvolger van de iPhone 14 die in 2022 uitkwam. Wat kunnen we verwachten van dit nieuwe toestel? In dit blog bericht zetten we de belangrijkste geruchten en lekken voor je op een rijtje.